Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Think She Might Need Security

By David Stephen

It is an incredible abuse of power for Detroit City Council President Monica Conyers to travel to Israel for 7 days while there are pressing issues in Detroit that need to be addressed immediately.

Yesterday, Detroit’s credit rating was reduced to junk-bond status by the S&P 500 putting the city in a deeper financial crisis. Conyers’ trip to Israel has no benefit to the city, and furthermore, puts the country in danger. Conyers is married to a high-profile congress member, John Conyers, who is the chairman of the judiciary committee.

Could you imagine the security risk it poses if a wife of a U.S. congressman gets injured, or worse, kidnapped or killed in a war zone? Israel just invaded Gaza because they claimed rockets were being launched into their country.

Ironically, when Monica Conyers traveled to Orlando, Florida, home of the “happiest place on earth,” she felt it necessary to bring two police officers along with her for security. She also caught a black eye at a westside Detroit bar back in 2004. Yet, she didn’t feel it necessary to bring security as she travels to a nation where the U.S. Department just issued a travel advisory. A Conyers staff person told the Detroit News she’s traveling there to study “what it will take to achieve peace” in Israel.

Oh great! Detroit has a lot to gain from this trip!


  1. Thanks to everyone who told me how funny this blog is. I wish I could take credit, but the truth is, when you're talking about Monica Conyers, it's already funny!
